Barr al-Fadi salam

The Land and the People

The Geography of Vindarten

The Geography of Barr al-Fadi

The Gods of Barr al-Fadi

Calendar and Currency

Our Story So Far...



These maps detail the continent of Vindarten (on the fantasy world of Vandhar) where the ongoing Barr al-Fadi RPG campaign is taking place.

As the campaign progresses, more maps (of regions, cities, towns, villages, ruins, and all other manner of locations) will be added to this page. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labors!

Thumbnail Title Description CC2 File
The continent of Vindarten The continent of Vindarten An antique map style view of Vindarten, done entirely using CorelDRAW! v10.0.
The lands of Barr al-Fadi The Region of Barr al-Fadi A detail of the desert region of Barr al-Fadi ("The Empty Land") in southeastern Vindarten. This map was done entirely in Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
The Anvil Al Karag - "The Anvil": the desert heart of Barr al-Fadi A close-up of Al-Karag ("the Anvil") which occupies the heart of Barr al-Fadi. This map was also done entirely in Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
The caravan village of Rifaa Rifaa - A caravan trail village This is a detailed map of the caravan village of Rifaa. It was done using Campaign Cartographer 2.0 with the Mappa Harnica plug-ins. Click here to download a copy of the Rifaa CC2 map (489 Kb).
CC2 icon
The caravan village of Rifaa The Vandhar star system This is an illustration of the planets in star system that Vandhar occupies. This was done using Bryce 6.1 and Adobe Photoshop CS 4.

I'd like to thank Tony Marker and the other folks at the Breminor RPG campaign website for graciously allowing me to steal major portions of their website layout. It's the most attractive work I've seen in a long time. THANKS, GUYS!

Last updated on 11 November 2014.