Barr al-Fadi salam

The Land and the People

The Geography of Vindarten

The Geography of Barr al-Fadi

The Gods of Barr al-Fadi

Calendar and Currency

Our Story So Far...


Marhaba! (English)        Marhaba (Arabic)

Welcome to my world!
The world of Barr al-Fadi is an AD&D campaign world build loosely around TSR' "Al-Qadim" product line. It combines "Dungeons & Dragons" with the classic elements of "1,1001 Arabian Nights", "The Thief of Baghdad", "Ali Babba and the 40 Thieves", and a host of other tales from the Middle East.

From the savannahs of Kalishan in the north, to the deadly steppes of the Kahliopsis in the south, from the Wild Coast of Tajjara in the east to the elven realm of Ardenor in the west, adventure and intrigue lurk behind bush and rock. And at the center, spreads the burning expanse of the Barr al-Fadi, "the Empty Land", with it's trackless sand dunes, desolate rocky plains, lost cities, caravan raiders, sandstorms, and the ever-mysterious djinn.

Step right up! Your magic carpet awaits you!
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Last updated on 7 November 2014.