Barr al-Fadi salam

The Land and the People

The Geography of Vindarten

The Geography of Barr al-Fadi

The Gods of Barr al-Fadi

Calendar and Currency

Our Story So Far...


Calendar and Currency
The Months of Barr al-Fadi

The Vandhar year is 396 days long. Most calendars consist of 14 months, each containing four 7-day weeks. This leaves 4 days that various cultures treat as special days.

The calendar for Barr al-Fadi is as follows:

Month Name Start-End Day(s) Season Month Name Start-End Day(s) Season
* Khalf ali Shati 1 Festival Day * Khalf ali Saif 199 Festival Day
1 Shahr Wahid 2-29 (Winter) 8 Shahr Tmanyi 200-227 (Summer)
2 Shahr Tnain 30-57 (Winter) 9 Shahr Tis'a 228-255 (Summer)
3 Shahr Tlati 58-85 (Spring) 10 Shahr Ashra 256-283 (Fall)
4 Shahr Arb'a 86-113 (Spring) 11 Shahr Hed'ash 384-311 (Fall)
5 Shahr Khamsi 114-141 (Spring) 12 Shahr Tnash 312-339 (Fall)
6 Shahr Sitti 142-169 (Summer) 13 Shahr Tlata'sh 340-367 (Winter)
7 Shahr Sab'a 170-197 (Summer) 14 Shahr Arbata'sh 368-395 (Winter)
* Quddam ali Saif 198 Festival Day * Quddam ali Shati 396 Festival Day

Between the months of Shahr Sab'a and Shahr Tmanyi, there are two Summer holiday days: Quddam ali Saif and Khalf ali Saif (before and after high summer). There are also Winter holiday days between the months of Shahr Arbata'sh and Shahr Wahid: Quddam ali Shati and Khalf ali Shati (before and after high winter).

The Currency of Barr al-Fadi

The currency of the Empty Land is similar to that of other cultures across Vindarten and is based on the "Silver" standard rather than the usual "Gold" standard of most AD&D worlds. The names and conversion rates are as follows:

Denomination Name Pronunciation Equivalent Value Std. Coin Equivalent
Dinar DEE-nar 10 Kiam Gold Piece
Kiam KI-am 1 Kiam Silver Piece
Sihkel SIH-kel 1/10 Kiam Copper Piece
Fiq fick (or feck) 1/00 Kiam Tin Piece / Bit

As suggested in this table, the "Kiam" is the base unit of currency in Barr al-Fadi, and is equivalent to a "Silver Piece" in generic AD&D games. Also note that there are no entries for either Electrum or Platinum coins. This is because no such coinage is minted as standard currency in Barr al-Fadi or any of its client states. While these coins do exist, they are very uncommon within the realm, always come from other "unenlightened" countries, and are referred to by the names used in their country of original (if at all.)

Last updated on 7 November 2014.